Relationship Goals
So many people talk about balance and bringing balance into their life. I would agree that balance can be useful in a situation that calls for it. Having balance on a balance beam, walking across a log or climbing a … Continued
So many people talk about balance and bringing balance into their life. I would agree that balance can be useful in a situation that calls for it. Having balance on a balance beam, walking across a log or climbing a … Continued
How many of you remember your parents or teachers telling you to be quite when you had something you really wanted to say? How many of you remember getting in trouble for ” misbehaving” or Being “Heard and Seen” rather … Continued
Patience is a virtue. Yes it can be, however there are many scenarios in which patience is absolutely not a virtue. Often, a phrase is coined and taken to heart as though it’s a fact and something to live by. … Continued
Spiritual awakening is activated as you pay attention to your breath moving about your life today! Breath deeply and feel your shoulders relax enjoy the smile that glows upon your face from the beauty of your heart. Remember to connect … Continued
As sensory Beings the world, both seen and unseen, is always communicating with us. Make today the day you awaken and observe as much as you can simultaneously. Begin a daily practice through observer mode using communication skills for successful … Continued
Becoming the observer of your thoughts, words, behaviors, feelings, and actions creates an immediate shift in your life. By observing yourself, taking responsibility for your own actions and choices brings an awareness of how you function and what effects are … Continued
How can Relationship Healing occur, what do you need to know? Your Body is an energetic being and “container”. Literally you’re a beingness, a container of what you have experienced through your life. every memory walks with you where ever … Continued
I frequently hear people talking about bringing balance into their lives. As if the achievement of balance is somehow going to “fix” things. I am shown and have come to know through God’s love how to achieve healthy relationships. As … Continued
How do I Practice Self Love I speak all the time about loving yourself, as do many in the self help arena. Recently one of my group attendees wanted to know what that really meant. ” How do I love … Continued
To live with The Transparent Heart, is to stop judging and begin to get to know all of yourself. Especially the ones that you judge in the outside world as well as those things which you judge about yourself. The … Continued