what does healing mean? By definition it is the process of making or becoming sound again. Emotional healing is of great importance and has an enormous impact on an individual’s life experience. It directly effects the past present and future, not only of an individual’s life, but all of their ancestors as well as the future generations. You might be asking yourself, how is that possible? Susan Newton not only shares with you how this is possible, she gives you self help healing tools to use in your everyday life. She has attained an international reputation for herself that began in Columbus Ohio. She serves her clients by mentoring them on to a path of healing that facilitates more love, peace and joy in their lives on a regular basis. Creating a safe zone within themselves to allow the vulnerability of an open heart to thrive.
As a spirit in human form, we have life experiences from the time we enter our bodies. The circumstances that encounter create emotional experiences that become our memories. The memories that we retain form our childhood have created a frame work of things we liked and their opposites, as well as things we didn’t like and their opposites. As a children we are vulnerable and often unable to stop those things that we don’t like or that harm us. Likewise often we are unable to create more of what we would like because the adults are “in charge”. Each one of these experiences become a part of who we are and directly affect “who we become” and everyone of the choices we make from that point on.
Our emotional field can become clogged and bogged down with the experiences that were detrimental to our emotional health and well being. When we hit adult hood often we begin to re-run these old patterns that were passed on to us by our parents and their parents and so on. Our life can become a breeding ground for victimhood, avoidance and manipulation, all to avoid the things we didn’t like and to hold tight to the things we did like. This is what Susan is referring to when she discusses emotional unhealthiness.
The process of emotional healing, as the definition describes, is the process of becoming healthy and sound again. As we discover the steps of how to address all of the parts of ourselves through getting to know our emotions, we literally begin the process of becoming whole again. As we become whole, we are becoming healthy and sound again which automatically invites inspiration and confidence to be the foundation of our existence. We address the past generations by using those experiences as building blocks for present moment whole health and peace. When we are at peace in our present moment, we are able to BE unconditional love with an open heart through our thoughts words behaviors and actions. Our future is created in the present moment, having healed our past experiences we no longer pay them forward to our future generations. This is Susan Fay Newton’s mission and passion and description for Emotional Healing.