How can Relationship Healing occur, what do you need to know? Your Body is an energetic being and “container”. Literally you’re a beingness, a container of what you have experienced through your life. every memory walks with you where ever you go and is an active part of everything you think, feel, behave, act, and speak. In other words, how you choose to treat people in the moment is influenced by your past experiences and affects your future experiences. Why is this important to know? Because frequently you are unaware of what and who is driving your bus. Meaning the past is clouding your present moment offering and is carrying past habits that no longer serve into the future. There are effective skills and tools that can assist in shifting these patterns on a daily basis. Skills that allow for transparent living, unconditional love, empowered communication, solid relationships that exist outside of judgement. What’s in your container can be shifted to emanate a different offering, thus a different experience of the future. Relations Healing occurs as you address everything in your container.
Thank you for sharing in another present moment experience of our Beautiful world.
Love and Light Susan Newton