I frequently hear people talking about bringing balance into their lives. As if the achievement of balance is somehow going to “fix” things. I am shown and have come to know through God’s love how to achieve healthy relationships. As we can BE and interact within whatever is occurring, harmony is achieved. Where balance would require an equality to be maintained, Harmonizing allows us to show up in any situation and adjust to what is going on in every second. Flexibility, unconditional love, empowerment, creativity, boundless opportunity and most importantly peace to confidently and lovingly interact with anything and everything. Harmony allows the letting go of the need to conform to social structures and expectations that may very well be founded on old patterns that no longer serve. Harmony allows for the unique beauty of every individual to thrive as it is able to shift and change to what serves the highest in that moment in time. Presence and Harmony walk hand in hand with an open transparent heart, breathing God’s love into our world. Speaking for myself, I know that as I walk with Jesus in my heart and Spirit as my guide I am able to glorify and exemplify more of God’s Love in form. Balance may very well have lead me to Harmony, but Harmony has allowed me to open my heart and become transparent through my heart and soul. Healthy relationships are flexible and fluid in their motion. Energy in motion is the success of navigating through your E-Motions.
Thank you for sharing in another present moment experience of our Beautiful world.
Love and Light Susan Newton