As sensory Beings the world, both seen and unseen, is always communicating with us. Make today the day you awaken and observe as much as you can simultaneously. Begin a daily practice through observer mode using communication skills for successful relationships. I always get a chuckle when I hear people discussing ways they intend to become more aware, more intuitive or raise their level of consciousness. Often times they are meditating more, quieting themselves in solitude, taking self improvement classes, the list goes on and on. Your awareness is directly related to your ability to enjoy successful relationships. Communication skills are the key that open the door to your heart and more of your awareness.
Here’s an invitation for everyone, if you would like to raise your level of awareness and become more conscious and more intuitive, make the choice to BECOME more aware and more conscious in every second of every day. It’s free, just begin to consciously become aware of what YOU are thinking, feeling, speaking, smelling, hearing, tasting as well as how you are acting and behaving. In order to become more aware and more conscious as a being in the world, you would have to become more aware of yourself within the world. As you become more aware you begin the process of communicating with things you haven’t communicated with before.
There is great value to meditation and quiet time. However, by awakening to YOU within the world and allowing yourself to become the observer, giving yourself permission to experience all that is occurring, you have instantaneously become more aware while functioning in a higher level of consciousness, as well as a higher functionality of communication. It really is that simple.
So today as you sit, walk, drive, eat, speak, and listen become the observer and notice what your feet feel like as they are taking each step. As you feel the step on your foot, pay attention to what you are smelling, hearing, tasting, saying, thinking and emoting. You have just raised your level of consciousness by making a conscious choice to become more aware.
Thank you for sharing in another present moment experience of our Beautiful world.
Love and Light Susan Newton