Once I started Susan’s book “Living in The Light” and put my assumptions aside I was able to see and listen without judgment, which led to all the anger just melting away that I let severely damage my life.
I never knew what it meant to “hear my voice” before, I imagined that it meant “impose my will”. Now I’m getting it. I asked in a class of Susan’s once “What does loving yourself mean? I have no idea what that is.” I know that is shared by most men. “Hearing my voice?” Also, enlightening and necessary… I wish the whole world could hear, absorb and practice what Susan’s message brings. The rest of the title of her book describes it, “A Divine Perspective and Guide to Living a Peaceful Life”.
I am studying two others things to help, Compassionate Non-Violent Communication and Emotional Intelligence, which are tools I use to understand others and get clear paths for communication and understanding, but Susan’s lessons are the Core of it all. Better put, the HEART of it all. I now see others as a sum total of everything they’ve been through and everyone they’ve descended from and that makes us all human and equal. When we see ourselves and others with an open and transparent Heart it sure makes life easier to navigate and just makes it richer and better for me.