Whats Your Story

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Self Help and Emotional Healing Mentor Susan Newton
Open Your Heart and tell a different story so you can live a different life!
Whats your story? Have you ever paid close attention to the stories you tell about the people and experiences in your life. Give it a try, remembering that you are a walking, talking, breathing, emoting and acting version of all of the stories you tell. When you choose to become aware of what you are sharing with the world about the world, you will come to know YOU. All of you.
You’re an energy field of all that you love, all that you hate, and everything in-between. There are many of us who seem to be “nice” people, but exposed to certain circumstances become not nice at all. Sometimes the lack of communication speaks volumes, the silence is so loud and strong it’s defining! Who reading this article know of someone who is passive aggressive? Ah I heard your answers, we all know a few. Most likely yourself here and there as well.
If you have the courage to listen to yourself, remember that what your stories are in the moment represent the past. When you hold onto anger, resentment, judgment and blame you are carrying it with you into the future for yourself to continue to experience. Even more of a sobering thought, you are gifting it to others and paying it forward to future generations.
Pay attention to your stories and then choose to change them. There are many ways to do this, lots of tools and techniques that can assist in healing from the inside out! Take responsibility for how you interact with the world and stop the nonsense!

Thank you for sharing in another present moment experience of our Beautiful world.

Love and Light Susan Newton
