The Transparent Heart

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DSC_2456As we step into the energies that are providing new opportunities, re-member with the source…your source of unconditional that exists within your heart, The Transparent Heart! Slow your mind just a bit and allow it the opportunity to exist in the joy and beauty that has always been there waiting to interact! Choose from your heart space and allow your mind to think as well as feel those things which serve your highest good and those that no longer do! Stand firm in your heart and in your choices, observe yourself from the higher perspective, where your empowerment exists! Choose joy for yourself! Most importantly, allow for the energies and experiences of your present moment circumstances to be accepted so that you can move forward from that moment in a conscious and wise way! If where you stand is not joyful, then choose those things that will bring you into alignment with joy. Take the actions that will facilitate peace and joy as your experience. Walk the path with peace and joy as your intention and stand firm in your commitment and flexible in your discernment and choices. Accept all things that rise up out of you and present themselves in front of you as an opportunity for alignment to occur with unconditional Love. We invite you to remember that you are beings which originate from unconditional love, your source is unconditional love. As you choose through your thoughts, words, behaviors,feelings and actions to be unconditional love… you come into alignment with the fullness of your true self, your pure essence. Unconditional love is honor, respect, honesty, loyalty, strength, vulnerability, faith, commitment, compassion, forgiveness, joyful, accepting, communicative, serves the highest good of self and others and is grateful! Choose to be the fulfillment of your true and pure self…share your beauty with the yourself and the world.

Thank you for sharing in another present moment experience of our Beautiful world.

Love and Light Susan Newton